At RAICES, we believe that the right to vote should not be taken lightly by those who have it — and that our elected officials should advance the needs and interests of the people they serve.

In order to encourage civic action amongst eligible voters, we uplift the nationwide tools offered by, a 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization that, like RAICES, does not support or oppose any political candidate or party. Vote your conscience. Vote for the U.S. that you envision.

Your voice and your vote matter.

  • Confirm Your Registration

    Think you’re registered to vote? Trust but verify. Use this tool to check your status and print out confirmation to take with you to the voting booth!

  • Register to Vote in 2024

    Eligible to vote and registering for the first time? Thought you were registered but just found out you’re not? We have the tools to support!

  • Away? Vote By (Snail) Mail

    Away from your your registered location and needing to send in an absentee ballot? We have intel on eligibility, guidelines, and deadlines!

  • Learn What's On Your Ballot

    Been out of the loop for a bit and needing a brush-up on federal, state and local candidates? We’ll get you on the road to being an expert!