Refugee Client Services
Since 2017, RAICES has provided comprehensive, culturally and linguistically appropriate, and gender inclusive case management services to refugee clients, recognizing the nation’s Refugee Resettlement system to be a model for a more humane approach to asylum.
In recent years, Refugee Client Services served families from Burma/Myanmar, Cuba, Democratic Republic of Congo, Eritrea, Haiti, Iraq, and Ukraine, as well as Special Immigrant Visa holders and humanitarian parolees from Afghanistan for whom RAICES also expanded legal representation services.
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Reception and Placement
Resettlement services for refugees and Special Immigrant Visa holders under a public-private partnership, working closely with partners in the community to supplement federal funding through volunteers and donations
Matching Grant
Services under a public-private partnership, supporting refugees and other eligible populations become self-sufficient through employment within 240 days of arrival to the U.S.
Cash and Medical Assistance
Financial assistance services that support individuals in meeting their most basic needs, including food, shelter, transportation, and medical coverage for those ineligible for Medicaid
Preferred Communities
Services designed to support the specific needs of refugees with challenging needs that require special attention, including those with serious medical conditions, women at risk, and elderly refugees
Employment Services
Services that enable access to employment opportunities, including employability assessment, training and job development, job placement, and job maintenance
Social Adjustment Services
Services extending beyond job placement and English Language Instruction that enable positive community integration, including support completing and following up on application forms and understanding client rights and responsibilities
Refugee Health Promotion
Services designed to support client well-being, including opportunities to increase health literacy, coordinate physical and mental health care, and organize wellness groups
Resettlement services under a public-private partnership for all populations ineligible for Reception and Placement support, including Cuban, Haitian, and Ukrainian community members