“I am releasing this song on Inauguration Day as a voice for the voiceless,” he says. “Those being incarcerated unfairly and who are victims of abuse due to a failing system. Maybe someone hears this song and decides to be part of the solution.”
To be part of the solution, Piñon recommends three organizations for donations or volunteering.
RAICES, which translates to “roots” in Spanish, is a Texas-based immigration reform organization that was established in 1986. It offers legal counsel to immigrant families, believing that represented families are 10 times more likely to earn a favorable decision in court than unrepresented ones. RAICES is open for donations.
The National Immigrant Justice Center operates similarly to RAICES, but on a national scale. The NIJC has opportunities for pro bono attorneys and internships.
The American Civil Liberties Union is a broader organization that fights for the protection of rights across all political and social lines. In addition to immigration, the ACLU also works to protect transgender, abortion and racial rights. The organization accepts donations and offers easy online ways to take action, including sending messages to local and national legislation.